Goal: To teach children Biblical truth and reach them with the Gospel
Time: Every Sunday from 10:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Ages: We have six classes that range from pre-school (2 years old) through high school.
What to Expect: At NHAGC our Sunday School time begins with the entire congregation where we sing choruses together and the children have an opportunity to answer quiz questions from the previous week’s lesson and recite their memory verse. After the open exercises, the children are dismissed to classes downstairs where they are taught age appropriate lessons based firmly in the Bible.
Curriculum: We use Answers in Genesis’s Sunday School Curriculum First Edition, which systematically goes through scripture over a three-year period, starting with Genesis and ending in Revelation. We are not affiliated with Answers in Genesis and do not endorse nor disagree with any specific belief of theirs, but choose their material because we felt their Bible-centric approach combined with their weekly practical applications and gospel message provided a solid foundation of Christian training for our youth.
Activities: Each December the Sunday School puts on a Christmas Program open to all the children; and each June we host a Sunday School picnic that the whole chapel is invited out to. In the Summer months of July and August we have what we call Open Sunday School where the older kids (5th grade and above) stay upstairs with the rest of the congregation while the younger kids stay downstairs for combined activities that mix fun and learning.